

葉禾田 專任教授
Her-Tyan Yeh Ph.D.


教師研究室:T1142         校內分機:8342
諮詢時間: 週二 2,3節/週四 2,3節

國立成功大學 資訊工程系博士
國立台灣大學 資訊工程系碩士
東吳大學 電子計算機應用科學系學士




.Session Chair,2008第二屆資訊科技理論與應用國際研討會
.Session Chair,2008文化創意產業與數位內容國際研討會ICDDC 2008(an international conference)
.Session Chair,2009
文化創意產業與數位內容國際研討會ICDDC 2008(an international conference)
.議程委員,2009全國計算機會議(NCS 2009)
.議程委員,the 3rd Joint Workshop on Information Security 2008(an international conference)
特約編輯, 『資訊安全通訊』 (專輯名稱『The Application and Security of Electronic Business』, vol. 7, no. 4, Sep. 2010)
.議程委員, 2010民生電子研討會(WCE 2010)
.Session Chair, 2010民生電子研討會(WCE 2010)
.議程委員,NSC2011 Workshop of Cryptography and Information Security
.Technical Program Committee,The International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2012)
.Organizing Committee,International Confermation,Communications & Creativity(2012)
.議程委員,Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2013)
.議程委員,National Computer Symposium(NCS 2013)
.Technical Program Committee,The International Conference on Consumer Electronics,Communications and Networks(CECNet 2013)
.Guest Editor, Journal of Computers Special Issue on Network Technology(2013)
SCI/EI/TSSCI Journal Paper Reviewer
.Computer Communications
.Computer Networks
.Computer Standards and Interfaces
Computers and Electrical Engineering
Computers and Security
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Electronics Letters
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
IEE Proceedings – Communications
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques
IEEE Communications Letters
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Information Processing Letters
Information Sciences
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
International Journal of Information Security
Journal of Internet Technology
Journal of Computer Security
Journal of Information Science and Engineering
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Journal of Computer and System Science
Journal of Systems and Software
The Computer Journal
  1. Her-Tyan Yeh, H.M. Sun and T. Hwang, “Security Analysis of the Generalized Key Agreement and Password
  2. Authentication Protocol,” IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 462-463, November 2001. (SCI)
  3. Her-Tyan Yeh, and H.M. Sun, “Simple Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Resistant to Password Guessing Attacks,” ACM, 36(4):14-22, October 2002.(EI)
  4. Her-Tyan Yeh, H.M. Sun, T. Hwang, ?“On the Linkability of Some Group Signature Schemes,”International Journal of Informatica, Vol 14, Issue 1, pp. 85-94, 2003. (SCI)
  5. X. Yi, C.K. Siew, H.M. Sun, Her-Tyan Yeh, C. L. Lin and T. Hwang, “Security of Park-Lim Key Agreement Schemes for VSAT Satellite Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 52, Issue 2, pp. 465-468, March 2003. (SCI)
  6. H.M. Sun and Her-Tyan Yeh, “Further Cryptanalysis of password authentication schemes with smart cards,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E86-B, No 4, pp. 1412-1415, April 2003. (SCI)
  7. Her-Tyan Yeh, H.M. Sun and T. Hwang, “Improved Authenticated Multiple-Key Agreement Protocol,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications, pp. 207-211, (46)2003. (SCI)
  8. Her-Tyan Yeh, H.M. Sun and T. Hwang, “Efficient Three-Party Authentication and Key Agreement Protocols Resistant to Password Guessing Attacks,” International Journal of Information and System Engineering, Vol. 19, No 6, pp. 1059-1070, 2003. (SCI)
  9. Her-Tyan Yeh, H.M. Sun, C.T. Yang, B.C. Chen and S.M. Tseng, “Improvement of Password Authenticated Key Exchange Based on RSA for Imbalanced Wireless Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E86-B, No 11, pp. 3278-3282, November 2003. (SCI)
  10. Her-Tyan Yeh and H.M. Sun. ‘Practical authenticated key agreement protocols based on Diffie-Hellman problem and RSA separately.’? Communications of the CCISA, Vol. 9, No. 3, June 2003, pp.70-82.
  11. Her-Tyan Yeh, H.M. Sun, and B.T. Hsieh, “Security of a Remote User Authentication using Smart Cards,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E87-B, No 1, pp. 192-194, January 2004. (SCI)
  12. H.M. Sun, B.C. Chen, and Her-Tyan Yeh, “On the Design of Time-Stamped Signature,” Journal of Computers and Systems Science, Vol. 68, Issue 3, pp. 598-610, May 2004. (SCI)
  13. Her-Tyan Yeh and H.M. Sun, “Password-based User Authentication and Key Distribution Protocols for Client-Server Applications,” Journal of Systems and Software, 72(2004), pp. 97-103, June 2004. (SCI)
  14. Her-Tyan Yeh and H.M. Sun, “Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols among Diverse Network Domains,” Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol 31, Issue 3, pp. 175-189, May 2005. (SCI)
  15. Her-Tyan Yeh, “Improvement of an Efficient and Practical Solution to Remote Authentication: Smart Card,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E89-B, No 1, pp. 210-211, January, 2006. (SCI)
  16. H.M. Sun, Her-Tyan Yeh, “Password-based authentication and key distribution protocols with perfect forward secrecy,” Journal of Computers and Systems Science, Vol. 72, Issue 1, pp. 1002-1011, September 2006. (SCI)
  17. Her-Tyan Yeh,Qin-ling Lin, "結合RBAC之數位版權管理系統",Journal of Southern Taiwan University, Vol. 35, No.1, pp. 99-108, May 2010.
  18. 葉禾田、蔡昀璋, “基于无硬盘Honeypot 的入侵防御系统”, 上海交通大學學報, Vol 46, No 2, Feb. 2012. (EI) (NSC 99-2221-E-218-037)
  19. 葉禾田、陳玉音, ”適用於行動設備的數位權利管理系統”, 電子商務學報, March 2012. (TSSCI) (NSC 96-2221-E-218-017)
  20. 葉禾田、陳虹霖, ”乘坐者對於汽車樣式與駕駛人評價之關係研究”, 文化創意產業研究學報, Vol 2, Issue 1, March 2012.
  21. 許育齡、張玉萱、葉禾田、張世熙、梁朝棟, ” 內在心理如何促發想像?”,資訊傳播研究, 2(2), April 2012
  22. 葉禾田、黃翊豪結合RFID之高速公路電子收費的認證與隱私權保護系統Journal of Information, Technology and Society,37-50, 201212
  23. Bing-Chang Chen and Her-Tyan Yeh.” A Fair and Secure Key Escrow Scheme under Diverse Transmission Circumstances with Lawful Investigation”. ICIC Express Letters, vol.6, No.10, P.2637-P.2641. Oct. 2012. (EI).
  24. Bing-Chang Chen, Her-Tyan Yeh, and Wan-Chun Chen, “The Secure Mechanism of Tracking Location System on Healthcare”, Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences, vol.5, No.9, 760-767. May. 2013.
  25. Her-Tyan Yeh, Bing-Chang Chen, Ming-Chih Tsai, “Network Security Architecture Combined Netflow with Cooperative Firewall”, Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences,vol.5, No.9, 819-827. May. 2013.
  26. Bing-Chang Chen, Her-Tyan Yeh, “Secure Proxy Signature Schemes from the Weil Pairing”, Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 496–506, 2013. (SCI)
  27. Her-Tyan Yeh, Bing-Chang Chen* and Yi-Cong Wu. “Mobile user authentication system in cloud environment”. Security and communication Networks, 6:1161-1168, 2013(SCI). (NSC 101-2221-E-218-052)
  28. Her-Tyan Yeh, Juing-Shian Chiou, and Ting-Jun Zhou, “A Karaoke System with Real-Time Media Merging and Sharing Functions for a Cloud-Computing-Integrated Mobile Device”,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 713589, 2013. (SCI). (NSC 101-2221-E-218-052)
  29. Yeh, Her Tyan., Lin, W. -S., & Liang, C. The effects of imagination between psychological factors and academic performance: The differences between science and engineering majors. International Journal of Engineering Education.Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 746– 755, 2014. (MOST 102-2511-S-002-009-MY2).  (SCI)
  30. Liang, C. & Yeh, Her Tyan. (2014). The influences of personality traits on academic performance through the imagination. In J. P. Davim (Ed.), Engineering education: Curriculum, pedagogy and didactic aspects (pp. 1-23). Cambridge, UK: Chandos Publishing. 
  31. BING-CHANG CHEN, HER-TYAN YEH, TSUNG-HSIEN YU (2016). The Construction of Integrated Online Ticketing Systems. Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 17, No. 3, May. 2016, pp. 551-558. (SCI)
  32. Her-Tyan Yeh, Bing-Chang Chen & Bo-Xun Wang(2016). A City Parking Integration System Combined with Cloud Computing Technologies and Smart Mobile Devices. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, Vol. 12, No. 5, May. 2016. (SSCI).
  33. B.C. Chen, C.T. Yang, Her-Tyan Yeh, and C.C. Lin, “Mutual Authentication Protocol for Role-Based Access Control Using Mobile RFID,“Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug. 2016. (SCI).
  34. C.T. Yang, B.C. Chen, Her-Tyan Yeh, and G.X. Jian,"A Study on Smart Deployment for Real-Time Strategy Games," Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 535, Jan. 2017, pp. 185-190. (SCI).
  35. C.T. Yang, Her-Tyan Yeh, B.C. Chen, and G.X. Jian, "Automatic tunable deployment for real-time strategy games," Engineering Computations, Vol. 34, No. 2, Apr. 2017, pp. 239-250. (SCI).
  36. Her-Tyan Yeh, B.C. Chen, C.T. Yang, and P.L. Weng, "New Navigation System Combining QR-Code and Augmented      Reality," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 19, No. 2, Mar. 2018, pp. 565-571. (SCI).

2025  創新數位設計國際學術研討會