Educational objectives

Educational Objectives
The department has its hands on the pulse of the digital converging communication technology industry.  Its two broad educational objectives include equipping students with a) digital media content production capability and b) Creative Thinking and professional skills to be digital media content professionals in the new era of digital communications.

Curriculum Design
1. An emphasis on the foundation and training in Visual/Audio, News, Marketing and Communications production skills.
A cultivation of aesthetics and design in all digital media content production courses.
A convergence of digital content: news, communications, advertising, creative design, multi-media, visual, animation, into a professional platform.

Future Development
1. Continue the emphasis on hands-on digital content production skills in digital visual/audio, radio and news/journalism.
2. Continue efforts to establish academic collaboration with top universities abroad and industry partnerships with the digital media industry.
3. Prepare students for the professional digital media job market and to work alongside digital content professionals.